Journey with Me.

Choose between these personalised coaching journeys tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations, as a free-spirited woman or strong-hearted mother.

Nestle into the comfort of your hammock, alongside a gentle sea breeze. You finally have time for yourself, take a deep exhale. There is nothing you need to do, no place you need to be, except right here in the tranquil space of deep listening and receiving. The Hammock Sessions are designed for those who seek a short resting space, to regather their thoughts and find clarity for their next best step forward. The Hammock Sessions will be housed in the peaceful space of Voxer audio.

What you receive:

  • One week of Voxer Coaching support & guidance for in between transformation

Welcome to your rest house, where the space is clear and clutter free and the cushions invite you to stop and lay down for a while. When was the last time you felt deeply rested? Perhaps it’s been so long, you don’t even remember? Rest reveals so much, it highlights where you have been pushing and offers you the art of yielding.

Rest invites you to slow down a little, pause and make space for new energy to come through. The Rest House is for the Mother who craves space to be truly seen, held, supported and activated towards what matters for her most. The Rest House awaits you in the land of Voxer audio.

What you receive:

  • Two weeks of Voxer Coaching support & guidance

Enter through the energy of The Cabin, rustic spaces with wooden floors, nestled in a quiet and tranquil place. Relax, the fire is on, a nourishing lunch is brewing and you’ll find a hot drink waiting for you. There is a cosy couch, a warm blanket, journal, candle and books to inspire you at every turn. Here we do not rush, we trust the pace of slowing down, to speed up.

You’ve been so full, that you can’t even hear your own voice or tap into your inner knowing. Your energy has been pulled in every direction, other than yourself. You’re feeling exhausted, deflated and wonder how earth you’re supposed to reconnect to that inner spark again. I get it, it’s a lot. Let me remind you that your child doesn’t need ‘fixing’ and neither do you. Here you don’t have to ‘personal development’ your way through this season, instead, you get permission to rest and receive.

The Cabin invites you to experience the power of being held by someone who can listen, and in the energy of rest, where your desires can float to the surface and allow you to rekindle the flame of what brings you most alive. The Cabin will leave you feeling nourished, inwardly resourced and ready to move into the next phase of your life.

What you receive:

  • Empowering & Sacred Monthly Coaching Session

  • Weekly Voxer Coaching support & guidance for in between transformation

Please fill out this form to apply for The Cabin




I know you value flexibility, so my coaching journeys allow you to access transformative support anywhere, anytime, fitting seamlessly into your life. Whether you're folding laundry, driving to appointments, or enjoying a quiet moment with your child, you can immerse yourself in Voxer conversation and coaching support. 

1:1 Voxer Support and experience the ultimate flexible support on your journey. With access to guidance and encouragement via Voxer messaging, you can connect with me, whenever and wherever you need support. Whether it's a quick question during naptime or a heartfelt reflection in the evening, personalised support is always at your fingertips, empowering you to thrive on your own schedule.

“What can I say… Natalie is an inspiration! I was a little hesitant to try the coaching on Voxer, I had never done anything like this before. However Natalie made me feel completely comfortable straight away. There is no pressure, no time restrictions, you can record your message whenever you feel you need too or have a question, or even just a simple vent. 

Natalie shows no judgment, has complete compassion and has nothing but love and great advice to give. Her tools that she shares along your journey together are helpful, and allow you to see things in a different light.  I was sad to have the month end, but I’m a grateful that I took this step. I really aspire and hope to be where Natalie is spiritually and mentally on her motherhood journey with her precious children.”

– Romina Maccarrone

Have questions or are you ready to begin your journey?

Contact me directly to reserve your spot today, or learn more about how my coaching journeys can support you on your path to personal growth and fulfilment.

Message me on Instagram or fill out this form


About me: Natalie

I’m passionate about human potential, especially as my motherhood pivoted into a completely different direction, after my second daughter was born with a brain injury.

I have always been a deeply curious soul and witnessing my daughter overcome immense challenge has activated a completely new perspective of what is possible in the realm of neurodiversity and neuroplasticity.

I’m a coach trained in N.L.P for mothers who also mother rare, and have participated in endless advocacy and public speaking in the realm of disability over the past ten years, as well as a former yoga & meditation teacher. Yet, my most powerful training has come from my lived experience navigating a wildly diverse motherhood load. I’m here to share my support and knowledge, to a community of women (and their brave children) who I hold so much reverence for.

Outside of my work, you’ll find me swimming at sunrise, hiking up a mountain and connecting with my beautiful family and friends. It’s the simple things in life, that sustain me the most. I live in the Hinterland on the Sunshine Coast, Australia with my husband and two daughters and our growing veggie garden.

I share snippets of my life on insta, come and say hello! @natalie.roberts_

I’m so glad you’re here,

Nat x