A space to rest, rewire and renew, for Mother’s who are navigating a higher motherload.

You are a beacon of light for your child, Lighthouse is a beacon of light for you.

LIGHTHOUSE is a space for you to slow down, take a breath and gather all the energy needed for the wildly diverse motherhood journey ahead.

Finally, an innovative space that offers relatable, sustainable and regenerative ‘outside the box’ teachings, with a lot of fun, because being a mother to a child with higher needs doesn’t mean you need to lose yourself. Your devoted and free spirit, is so welcome here, both can co-exist in motherhood. Let’s light the way!

Navigating your child’s additional needs demands a lot from you, your journey is ever-evolving and what you need from one day to the next, varies. So with that in mind, Lighthouse will meet you in all of it. You will find resources to support Longevity, Endurance and Fortitude, a powerful trio for anyone navigating change and challenge for the long term.

Lighthouse is here to help you create more space for yourself, despite the huge load you carry. Offering you creative ways to adapt to change, process powerful emotions and fully embrace your life, plot twists and all.

3 Pillars of LIGHTHOUSE

  • A deep dive into the world of identity, belonging, beliefs, habits, perceptions, mindset alterations, behavior change and how they all relate to your lived experience of motherhood. We start with identity, one of the most powerful forces in the human condition. Who am I? What am I made of? Who do I want to be? And what steps do I need to take to get there? It’s just the beginning of this revolutionary pillar and exploration of SELF.

  • Monthly live calls, where we will gather together, finally a room full of women who ‘get it’, because they also live it. Community is one of the greatest motivators to create sustainable change, because you will have people in your corner supporting you.

  • We offer Neuro Linguistic Programming (N.LP), applied Neuroscience & Neuropsychology, Meditation, Life Coaching, and Human Behaviour concepts to help you meet change and challenge with more ease and flow. Together with Writing Prompts and Powerful Storytelling, so you begin to rewrite the story of your life.

You are a beacon of light for your child, Lighthouse is a beacon of light for YOU!

So much can co-exist, we can endure, we can live alongside deep pain and pleasure and if we are brave enough, we can trust the wisdom in both.

Lacking motivation to make the changes you desire, because every time you try, you’re hit with another unexpected plot twist and feel like giving up?

Start at SELF where storytelling, truth-telling lands on a whole new level. Here you will also find tools and strategies to meet constant challenge. You will access ways to reignite your energy and move you towards the things you truly desire. Here we combine applied neuroscience and lived experience, to build better habits and systems in your life. C’mon, that free-spirited woman is still there, the one who can hold joy, wake up feeling positive and connected to a life she loves, despite the challenges.

Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of negativity & self-sabotage with thoughts like ‘I’m not good enough, I can’t do this, my life will always be hard’.

Welcome to your unconscious – the powerful part of your mind that affects pretty much, everything! Did you know that every single that you do and feel, is based on a set of core programs (ie: decisions, beliefs, emotions) and influences how you filter your reality!  Neuro-Linguistic Programming (N.L.P) is based on quantum physics, hypnosis, and psychotherapy that helps you rewire and reorganise how you communicate to yourself and others, moving towards who you truly want to be. Game-changer and all of this can be found in SOLUTIONS.

Feel like a lone wolf? Miss your ‘old’ self? Your journey looks so very different to the other women in your life.

Enter VILLAGE where you will connect with a community of women who truly understand you. Through sharing your journey, you can start to regather the parts of yourself that perhaps you have temporarily left behind, or even better, discover the new versions of you, that you are yet to become. A woman who is deeply present with herself and doesn’t want to waste another moment with a plethora of negative future concerns. A woman who takes back her life as her own, and stands like a lighthouse for herself and her family.

You’ve spent years focusing on your incredible child and their needs, now you feel ready to focus on yours, but you’re not even sure where to start or what you truly need?

After years of caregiving it can feel a little strange finding yourself again. The version of who you were and the woman you have become now, feel so different. Think of this like the greatest homecoming ever, where you start to weave all the pieces of you back together, in a way that feels like the most truest and authentic version of who you really are and what you truly desire. Deep drive into the pillar of SELF, where you will be reminded on who you really are and what you can create for yourself now and well into the future.

Feeling overwhelmed in all areas of life? Not just motherhood?

Explore SOLUTIONS where you can access both ancient teachings and the latest neuroplasticity resources. As a former yoga and meditation teacher, I will bring you deep restorative practices that will have your nervous system sighing with relief, as well as motivational examples that will activate your curiosity, with questions like ‘what else is possible?’

Your life is full, Lighthouse is here to simplify support by providing actionable practices, relatable examples to amplify what is already working for you and refine what isn’t.

In lighthouse you will receive information that directly relates to your life, we understand that creating change or space for yourself can feel tricky, especially when your circumstances may stay the same.

We are here to simplify and amplify, via tiny actionable steps that are easily, yet powerfully implementable into your life straight away, yep even in the middle of a hospital stay. We start small, to build strong, after all we know how full your life is, we want to make this work for you.

With endless transformative information at our fingertips, spanning from ancient teachings, to the latest neuroscience, we are more equipped than any other time in history, to combat stress and build a stronger foundations for our wellbeing.

By joining Lighthouse the membership, you’ll have access to sustainable and relatable support, alongside a village of other women who truly see you.

  • Core Training Modules, across all 3 pillars of SELF, VILLAGE, SOLUTIONS

  • SELF: all eyes on you woman! This pillar is the most transformational, because it focuses directly on you and your needs. A space for you to rest, rewire and renew on a whole new level. We start with identity, one of the most powerful forces in the human condition. Who am I? What am I made of? Who do I want to be? And what steps do I need to take to get there? Is just the beginning of this revolutionary pillar.
    VILLAGE: Gather on the live calls with a community of women who are willing to create positive change for themselves and each other. No more lone wolf energy, you have a village of women who 'get it', because they 'live it'.
    SOLUTIONS: Offering you relatable and sustainable systems of change, to cut through the heavy load you carry. Neuro Linguistic Programming, Neuropsychology, Life Coaching, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Breathwork, Writing Prompts, Storytelling, Poetry and Human Behaviour concepts to help you meet change and challenge with more ease and flow. Yep, it’s as diverse as your motherhood. 

  • Monthly Live Calls with Natalie and opportunity to gather as a village of women who truly understand the complexity of the loads we each carry, the bond between us women who mother rare runs deep. Our Lighthouse live call times will held on a weekday morning Brisbane Time (AEST). All calls will be recorded if you can’t take them live, so you can watch the replay at your leisure. You are welcome no matter where you live in the world.

  • Bonus Guests who will bring innovative concepts, teachings and trainings.

By joining Lighthouse, you’ll have hands-on, relatable and sustainable support to effectively, create genuine and lasting change in your life. It all start's with YOU.

You recieve:



“Here’s to the ones who decided to become human lighthouses anyway, even after all the times they’d been shipwrecked they still became a safe harbour.”

-Stacie Martin.

So why Lighthouse?

Well, the metaphor reminds me of you!

Lighthouses symbolise strength, they stand on the most dangerous parts of our coastlines and cliffs and they are able to hold the intensity of a wild sea. They are there to ensure our safety and safe passage through.

A lighthouse can be a source of hope for those who are lost at sea. It is also a safe haven, a guiding light, they keep watch 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There is never a time where they are switched off. Lighthouses often stand alone on the most unhabitable parts of our coastline (sound familiar?)

So let’s gather, together we will connect to the lighthouse energy of hope, strength, safety, mystery, and enduring commitment. We also get to have fun, ok!

Here we discover new ways to navigate times of challenge and we expand the times of cheer, you don’t need a PDF, or a motivational checklist. You want direct, expansive, transformative and long lasting changes, that will leave you with: more time, more energy, more space and more freedom to live a life you desire, with the people you love.


  • This is a monthly membership, specifically created to flow like water around your sacred, busy and full life. Minimum time is one month, that’s why I created it in this way. I don’t want you to feel locked in ever! It’s a lighthouse baby, here to shine a light whenever YOU need it. Although for those who are in this for the long game, you can sign up for a year and get two months for free!

  • There may be scope to use NDIS funding for this program. However, this is a decision for you to make, taking into consideration your child’s individual NDIS goals and plan, alongside approval from NDIS.

    It is best to speak with your plan manager for advice and seek approval in writing. Please refer to this link for more details: Refer to funding for family support in this PDF

  • We’re busy women, I totally get it. This is a self-led space for you to pick and choose. If you can’t make the call, you can simply watch the replay. However the energy of being on the live calls, is an incredible experience. It’s incredibly powerful to connect in this way. However with that said, there is a LOT of incredible transformative and helpful content in the member area, without ever needing to attend one call!

  • Lighthouse calls will generally be held Tuesdays or Thursdays 10am-11.30am AEST, although with that said we will be offering early morning and late evening call times to sync with our overseas members. Replays of the calls will be uploaded into the portal. Women from all over the world are so welcome.

    Click here to do your timezone conversion

  • I love weird, please never stop asking me weird questions, ever! Weird is often just another word for true.

    Ok, so to answer, any mother navigating change and challenge of any level of additional needs, would benefit greatly from Lighthouse.

About me: Natalie

I’m passionate about human potential, especially as my motherhood pivoted into a completely different direction, after my second daughter was born with a brain injury.

I have always been a deeply curious soul, and witnessing my daughter overcome immense challenge has activated a completely new perspective of what is possible in the realm of neurodiversity and plasticity.

I’m a coach trained in N.L.P for mothers who also mother rare, and have participated in endless advocacy and public speaking in the realm of disability over the past ten years, as well as a former yoga & meditation teacher. Yet, my most powerful training has come from my lived experience navigating a wildly diverse motherhood load. I’m here to share my support and knowledge, to a community of women (and their brave children) who I hold so much reverence for.

Outside of my work at LIGHTHOUSE, you’ll find me swimming at sunrise, hiking up a mountain and connecting with my beautiful family and friends. It’s the simple things in life, that sustain me the most. I live in the Hinterland on the Sunshine Coast, Australia with my husband and two daughters and our growing veggie garden.

I share snippets of my life on insta, come and say hello! @natalie.roberts_

I’m so glad you’re here,

Nat x